by hbrenhouse | Mar 23, 2023 | Archived Posts
CONGRATULATIONS to Caitlyn Cody and Mikey Fanikos, who both beautifully presented their Masters work last Friday and earned their Masters of Science in Psychology!
by hbrenhouse | May 26, 2022 | Archived Posts
Our website has been down due to security issues for a while, but better late than never! Our “twins” Caitlyn Cody and Mikey Fanikos have now completed their first year as graduate students in our lab and are crushing it, from DREADD manipulation of...
by hbrenhouse | Aug 24, 2021 | Archived Posts
Kelsea Gildawie successfully defended her dissertation last Friday, and we couldn’t be prouder of her! She will be moving on soon to a post-doctoral research position with Drs. Fair Vassoler and Elizabeth Byrnes at Tufts.
by hbrenhouse | May 12, 2020 | Archived Posts
Graduate student Lauren Granata made the lab proud as she presented her Master’s thesis work at a virtual convention–Congratulations Lauren!